
Limestone Pavement Flora

Limestone pavements are striking geological features of the Stories in Stone area. Limestone pavements were formed under a soil and woodland cover and have been exposed principally through forest clearance and agricultural management over many hundreds of years. They support a diverse flora with many rare and uncommon species and are a Priority Biodiversity Action Plan habitat.

What’s the problem?

Intensive grazing has reduced the natural regeneration of trees and shrubs and has prevented flora from flourishing. Fencing off areas to exclude sheep and to enable the natural regeneration of trees and shrubs, together with small-scale low-density tree and shrub planting on grassland areas, provides more favourable conditions for the regeneration of vegetation (trees, scrub and grike flora) on the pavements.


Two sites had been identified for work but a fungal survey revealed the presence of a nationally rare fungi which would be adversely affected if grazing was discontinued. It is hoped that as well as the obvious wildlife benefits, the project works will increase the understanding and enjoyment of limestone pavement among local people and visitors. Natural England will use the project to talk about landscape change, habitat enhancement and biodiversity gain with visiting schools, guided walks and specialist groups. The benefit to landowners and tenants is reduced injury or loss of livestock by preventing access to the deep grikes in the limestone pavement.